Participation in the Funeral

funeral-pall Family members may participate in placing the pall (echoing the clothing with Christ at baptism, c.f. Gal. 3:27) on the casket during the gathering rite of the Funeral Mass.

Members of the family or friends may wish to proclaim the Scriptures. The lector does not just “read the Bible.” In this special role, the lector helps to make God present among the gathered community of faith. You may choose two lectors: one to proclaim the Old Testament passage and one to proclaim the New Testament reading which you select. The reader during the celebration of the Eucharist should be a Catholic inasmuch as the one who proclaims the Word on behalf of the assembly should also be part of the assembly in the sharing of Holy Communion. Readers should be familiar with the readings. Readers may sit with the assembly and approach the Ambo (Pulpit) after the Opening Prayer. After the reading they may return to their seat. A third person (Catholic or non-Catholic) may be chosen to announce the petitions for the Prayer of the Faithful. Please choose from among the selections below the Scriptures passages to be proclaimed.

Two family members or friends may present the bread and wine for the Eucharist following the Prayer of the Faithful.

Musical selections for the funeral may be discussed with the musician. The use of our own parish musicians is a necessity. At the time of the death of a loved one, the family and friends grieve together and should allow the community through the priest and musicians to minister to them. Catholic funerals thank God for the gift of the deceased’s life, beg for God’s mercy upon the deceased and do so in the context of our worship of God. Please keep in mind that sacred music appropriate for Catholic funerals is to be used. The selection of music is often best left to the music ministers. The deceased may have a “favorite song” that meant something to him/her. The appropriate place and time for such a song is at the reception.

Sometimes the family may wish to remember their loved one in eulogy. The Order of Christian Funerals reads, “A member or a friend of the family may speak in remembrance of the deceased before the final commendation begins.” Thus, one person may speak in remembrance. In thoughtfulness toward those who gather with you to remember and pray for your loved one, please limit the eulogy to two to three minutes. It is a good idea, given an emotional and difficult time, to have the eulogy written out. The speaker will have before him/her what he/she desires to say. If the speaker is overcome and unable to deliver the eulogy, someone else can read their talk. Additional eulogies can be delivered at the vigil or wake before the Funeral Mass or at the graveside or at the reception following the graveside.